
Kia Ora Whanau,

Greetings everyone, welcome back to school and our final term of the

year. The pace of the year has certainly picked up speed recently and

we now have under 10 weeks of learning left! There is always of a lot

of excitement at this time of year. The completion of our Education

Outside the Classroom Programme will occur, with around 15 class

camps heading out for a few days of fun. Planning for the end of the

year electives programme is well underway and looking to be very

exciting for the students. This annual two day programme is always

a fun way to finish a busy year of learning, so keep an eye out for

more information as it is shared with the students. Thanks to our

whanau who are able to attend and support these events. It is much

appreciated and greatly valued.

This week we welcomed a school group from Ritsumeikan Keisho

Junior High School in Japan. This school visit is now an annual one for

us and a great way for the students of both schools to be introduced

to another culture. Our guests are staying for ten days, and were

enthusiastically welcomed by our students at a powhiri yesterday

morning. Each visiting student is being hosted by a local family and

will spend time in our classrooms learning alongside our

students. The school group was very excited to return to Whakatane

Intermediate, and we look forward to learning more about their

culture and sharing more of ours with them. A special thanks to all

of our whanau who were able to host one of the students.

Keep your calendars clear as there are still a few sports events to run,

for example Athletics Day which is on Monday of Week 5

(11th November). The school would love to see as many whanau as

possible at the event, which this year is being held all at school. Rest

assured that quality teaching and learning is still very much the focus

each week. There is still a lot to achieve and share with the students

as we build into our prizegivings and celebrations at the end of the


The school would like to end this week with the recognition of a

former member of our WIS whanau. To the whanau of

Timo Karkkainen, who tragically passed away over the holidays, we

offer our sincerest condolences. Timo attended the Intermediate as

a student from 2021 to 2022, is remembered as a very capable

student and was a valued and respected class member. Our deepest

thoughts and aroha to the Karkkainen whanau at this incredibly sad


Nga Mihi

Mike Webster

Principal's Weekly Message